Saturday, February 21, 2009

Communication Technology: Friend or Foe

So, I've always thought that technology was the greatest thing in the world...and I still do, ummmm kinda sorta, sometimes. Anyway, the idea of living long enough for our world to merge with the Jetson's has always been a dream. I mean flying cars, messages sent over heliogram, and teleporting where ever you want to go. Sounds tight to me...we're not even close to that and I'm getting thoroughly annoyed with the communication devices we have now...

Let me get to the issue at hand

What is wrong with ppl text messaging like the verbal communication and actually seeing a person is a bad thing. Ppl have gotten so wrapped up in texting that refuse to talk on the phone and have full drawn out conversations over texting and it's quite annoying. I don't want a relationship that doesn't involve picking up the phone or a visit.

-Telling a person you miss them over text is cute ONLY IF you say in person also.

-Telling someone how they make you feel is not a text only event

-Breaking up with someone is not a texting event (lol)

-Trying to get the booty is not a texting event.

Ppl need to grow up and get a life. Texting should not ever be your main form of communication I don't care how far your significant person or even friend lives from you. It is rude to limit that person to texting only.

I think that it's sad that texting has allowed ppl to not conform issues or even to open up to ppl. Talking out your feelings and emotions is extremely important to grow as a person and a relationship and it would be a damn shame for ppl to use technology to substitute real life relations.

If a person can only tell you something over text messaging then it has a great chance of being ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT!!!


Raphew said...

That's True texting started as something to assist talking but in many cases its made talking instinct alotta times things people are scared to say in person or over the phone they text which really is making people weaker.

Anonymous said...

I feel you on this one. I don't really understand it either. I especially find it wild that people will wanna have full blown conversations over a text.

Anonymous said...

I am a texter. I love texting. Some things you are supposed to say in person and not through text. Like breaking up and stuff. Thats so elementary for sumone to do that through text. OMG! LOL!